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The News of the World!

Image result for the news of the world by paulette jilesToday I attended one of the Library Week events pertaining to the books the News of the World, by Paulette Jiles. This book is a historical fiction novel about a man named Captian Jefferson Kyle Kidd who tells the news of the world to the people of the US by riding around on a horse and reading the newspaper to people across the growing United States. At the event, the Dominican Scholars lead the discussion and broke down how the book touches could be applied to the four pillars of the Dominican Scholars. The four pillars are study, service, spirituality, and community. They talked about the how the book touched on the study pillar when Captian Kidd teaches Johanna English and no matter how challenging the process was, they never gave up. The book touches on service when it talks about Captian Kidd being a soldier in the War of 1812. It was brought up how it was interesting that the book actually touched upon Captian Kidd's PTSD. I have never really thought about the War of 1812 and made the connection that the soldiers would have PTSD. Obviously now I realize that makes sense because all war is a traumatic experience, but I don't think I've heard it talked about earlier than WWII. The Dominican Scholars have decided to apply the service aspect to the book by collecting money for St. Joeseph's school, which is a boarding school for Native American children to give them the best opportunity for a successful life. They are selling Krispy Kreme Donuts on February 19, so don't forget.
Back to the book, it addresses spirituality through Johanna's experiences with the Native American tribe and the spirituality of Captian Kidd. Finally, Captian Kidd creates the sense of community when he reads the newspaper to the different towns and brings the people altogether.
I liked how the presenters followed the lesson plan format by starting with an introduction to the book and characters, a body when they made connections to their pillars and the book, and a closure with a Kahoot. I am excited to finish reading the book and I am glad I attended the panel today.


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